Specjalizuję się w ortopedycznej terapii manualnej, terapii powięzi, masażu leczniczym, masażu sportowym oraz treningu medycznym. Pracuję z pacjentami po zabiegach operacyjnych i urazach w obrębie układu ruchu. Zajmuję się leczeniem dolegliwości bólowych zarówno w stanach ostrych, jak i przewlekłych.
Posiadam duże doświadczenie w pracy z osobami z dysfunkcjami w obrębie kręgosłupa, stawów obwodowych, a także stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych. Długa praktyka w pracy ze sportowcami wyczynowymi, pozwoliła mi na udoskonalenie umięjętności w rehabilitacji po uszkodzeniach w obrębie ścięgien czy mięśni. Jako instruktor treningu funkcjonalnego, prowadzę treningi medyczne dostosowane do określonych potrzeb oraz dysfunkcji. Jestem absolwentką Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu z ukończoną specjalizacją w zakresie fizjoterapii w ortopedii i traumatologii sportowej. Ukończyłam wiele szkoleń, w tym z zakresu terapii manualnej według koncepcji Maitland, metody dr Ackermanna oraz terapii metodą FDM. Brałam udział w licznych konferencjach, w tym międzynarodowych, między innymi o tematyce radiologii.
Certyfikowany terapeuta manualny wg koncepcji Maitland
Certyfikowany terapeuta manualny wg metody dr Ackermanna
I can recommend Mrs. Aneta 100%. It is clear that he is fully committed to the patient's affairs and the atmosphere... during therapy is very friendly. I have been struggling with back pain for many years and massages not only help me deal with it, but also take away the pain of existence. If you are wondering about choosing a good physiotherapist in Wrocław, you can go ahead and make an appointment with Mrs. Aneta 😉czytaj więcej
I heartily recommend it. Great atmosphere, full professionalism. Our contractual goal was to repair my knee so that I... could cycle 100 km at a time without pain. Several meetings, exercises and such routes are no longer a problem. I fully recommend Aneta 😉czytaj więcej
A very professional and professional therapy! Searching for optimal solutions for each patient and the ability to... combine theory with practice is a showcase of this place! And as you know people create places! Thank you for getting back on your feet quickly!czytaj więcej
I went to Mrs. Aneta with a complex problem. Sharp, recurring muscle pain in the groin for a long time excluded me... completely from playing football. After a thorough interview and visits with Mrs. Aneta, the improvement was felt almost immediately. I received valuable recommendations and a set of exercises that clearly help from day to day. I will certainly continue treatment with this professional and committed lady. Very nice atmosphere. I would highly recommend. Paweł Pczytaj więcej
I highly recommend cooperation with Ms. Aneta. She treated my serious injury in an extremely professional manner and... helped me return not only to normal daily activities, but also to sports activities, for which I am extremely grateful 🙂 It is clear that Mrs. Aneta has extensive knowledge in the field of physiotherapy. Additionally, she is an extremely warm and nice person. Once again, I recommend it with all my heart, you can put your health in these hands without hesitation 🙂czytaj więcej
The visit was conducted in a pleasant atmosphere. Full professionalism, professional approach supported by substantive... knowledge and practice. The interview was very detailed and all recommendations were comprehensible. A great specialist, I recommend it, I will definitely come back 🙂czytaj więcej
As a personal trainer and active athlete, I have been using Aneta's physiotherapy services for a year now. Thanks to... this, I avoid injuries and minor injuries are removed quickly and effectively. My students also benefit from Aneta's skills, so they can constantly train and achieve better and better results. An individual approach to each problem and a guarantee of effectiveness. This is what you can expect from working with this lady 🔥czytaj więcej
Wiele osób uważa, że bieganie to najłatwiejszy sposób na aktywność fizyczną. Pogoda sprzyja, wystarczy założyć buty sportowe i biec? Niestety, to nie takie proste.